working with SQL command Like

Make a form with
a listbox = List1
an textbox = txtSearch
a commandbutton = cmdGo
assuming there's a database in the 'c:\win' directorie with the name ''
with a table called 'testing' which contains two fields: 'name' and 'adress'

'on Form1.general
Dim ds as recordset, db as database
Dim criteria$

Const databasenaam="c:\win\test.mdb"
Const tablename="testing"

Sub Form1_load
set db=opendatabase(databasename)
end sub

Sub cmdGo_Click
Dim SQL$

criteria$= "*" & txtSearch & "*"
SQL$= "SELECT * FROM " & tablename & " WHERE name ='" & _
criteria$ & "'"
set ds = db.openrecordset(SQL$)
do while not ds.eof
List1.additem ds("name") & " " & ds("adress")
end Sub

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